Facebook offline conversation with odoo CRM
Facebook integration with odoo
Recently the off line facebook conversion is getting more popular over the digital marketing which support to turn number of the customer to access the website. Most of the marketing is completely depend on social media pages, which give hand for the customer to cut down the major cost and time of the site owner. As result, it makes the business more popular and increase the sale to higher.
About the Odoo
Odoo is effective open source, which offer the more than dozens of apps to improve the business to the high level and make more profit. Most of the apps that present in the Odoo are from the CRM to e Commerce and much more apps. Then accounting to corresponding manufacturing as well as the collect project management support. hence it w provide the special support to make whole marketing to the high level and turn more profit to the site owner. Here app builds with special features, which let the user to make the product to boost higher . It has sales, ecommerce , point of sale , project, inventory and accounting . As result , it will be more comfortable to make business to high level. This tools allow the create new pipeline with the number of support like qualification , proposition , negotiation , won and much more.
Then current CRM will step to increase the site rank and make site more popular and bring out addition traffic to the official website. Thos open source odoo let major users to leverage more than thousand of developers as well as the number of the business experts to create more than 100 of application in a few years. With the support of strong foundation , the respective Odoo framework built with the unique and it deliver the notch usability in all over the apps. The Odoo has option to be automatically applied to all integrated apps and it evolves higher faster solution for the user.
List of the ways to connect the facebook conversion(facebook integration with odoo) :
Facebook offline conversion(facebook integration with odoo) is best method to promote the business to the high level and even it required high money support to complete action in the fine manner. From the below , the customer can check out list of way to connect the facebook offline conversion . The business people are request to make use of the new pipe drive contact as facebook offline conversion events. Then it works well on your business to and brings to the list of the traffic and other accounting support to complete in a fine manner. Now the big commerce order to the facebook conversion which must be link with the open source Odoo tools(facebook integration) that let the business to the bring top on the search engine. Apart from that you can go with the list of the new woo commerce customer in the facebook offline conversion that let to meet number of customer to make the business visible to high level.
Two type of open source:
When you are looking for the various open source firms, then , there are two business models for open source . First, it releasing alight and open source version of the product and selling closed support modules with exact features. For exam SugarCRM , open Bravo and much more. Then second things are having two version namely open source and non-open source.
The attribution is considered as toughest part of marketing areas to indentify the best ways to solve the problem. Around 74% of marketer are looking forward to go with the attribute model but at the same time around 27.6% of wish to go with the their own attribution model to find out the ROI channel. If you come to the offline conversion over the facebook , the Puzzle will get more complex , so the ads of the facebook make support for the marketers and have leads on mobile. Now it is very hard to track out when lead found through the facebook covers . As result, it has greater business impact and become customer.
Recently, the effective social media faceboook had announced the offline conversion that let to connect with the CRM , automation , call center , marketing automation to your facebook. There is loop between the digitally capture lead and non-digital conversion such sale conversation and much more. On considering such the information , the marketers are given attribution to ads that are driving business results to the high. Hence, it will be simple and more effective for the user to move ahead in the winning way.
How to set up of offline conversation
- Set up offline Event manager
Step 1 :
In the business manager menu , you need to select offline events to go to off line events manager .
Step 2:
Create offline Event set to make new offline events set
Step 3:
Enter a name and Description for all your event set , then click on option of create
Step 4 :
Upload offline events
Step 5:
Choose data from your source data
Step 6 :
Go for editing the data mapping and type to check out the event name and event time .
Step 7 :
Go with the facebook hashed upload and then creation
Step 8 :
Make use of the off line events
Step 9 :
Use offline events to evaluate the current performance and have head back over the ads manager and choose preset columns which is known as the offline conversion
Step 10:
Analyze the performance, which take few minutes to increase the data .
Hence the user can make use of the such nee method to make the business to top over the search engine and even it offer the special ideas to move ahead in the fine manner . This method works well on CRM and other right marketing tools to promote job to the high level. Hence, the customer and other marketer can turn high traffic and make the business visible to high level with no risk of it.